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Healing through the Web of Time


Can you feel the shift in the air?

The night is gently nudging the sun over the horizon earlier and earlier, cooling the nights.

The sun moves like slow molasses in the morning, reluctant to create the new day.

It’s during this gentle slowing that the veil between our past, our ancestors reveals to us the things we are ready to heal.

Ancestors cast their shadows on the screen of our mind and our impulse is to run when we feel the fear of past cycles. However, this season is full of abundance and warm invitations to sit by the fire of our brave hearts and dive into the great story of our own past!

Think about it! Halloween is all about lost souls, scary monsters and skeletons in closets! It’s so synonymous with our own repressed trauma.

This season is all about going inward, being cozy and is the best season to relax into the warm safety of our heart hearth.

Reiki is a beautiful modality to help clear the big cobwebs that cover the door to the ancestral plane! Once the big energy dust is cleared, Reiki can help you home in on the things that are right at the surface to be healed and released!

After those are discovered, you can continue to use healing practices to bring you deeper into the astral, ancestral layer of yourself to clear past life wounds of your own or inherited, ancestral wounds.

Thus work is not “easy”, but it is rewarding. I liken it to excavating all the things that you’ve inherited so that you can unearth the real you.

If you’d like to dig into this work please feel welcome to contact me or click below

to book a Reiki session.


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