Setting Your Stage for Success
Your home isn’t just the place where you reside… It’s also the place where you dream your life into creation! We can all tap into the positive energy that is both in and around our homes, amplifying this to bring success, abundance and joy into our lives!
A lot happens in the space we live in. I personally like to think of it as a completely blank canvas – one that can be staged to support us with the energy required to manifest our dreams.
Due to architecture and nature there are many vortexes that contain undeniable positive energy that can be amplified to create more joy and abundance. However, there are also negative vortexes, which require healing to help a space feel healthier: this means that you can feel more alive and motivated.
When I perform intuitive readings, it has amazes me as to how people carry the energy of their home with them wherever they go. The influence of the spaces you spend the most time in, follows you throughout your daily life. So, you want to make sure that your home and office are healthy as they can and do have an impact on all areas of your life.
It is important to energetically cleanse your home at least once a month. This can be completed by smudging each room: Light a stick of copal incense or cedar and fan the smoke along the walls; over objects in the room and into the corners – this clears old energy and livens up your space.
I like to use copal, palo santo, cedar or frankincense to clear spaces more than sage.
Sage can sometimes amplify darker spiritual energies if they exist in a space; but, White Russian Sage is an exception.
You can also cleanse your space by sprinkling water throughout while singing or chanting mantras to raise the frequency!
Playing mantras on repeat, even with the volume off or on low, can really help keep a space in high vibration. I have a friend whose space I clear and heal. When I first walked into one of the rooms, I felt the vibration of Om in the room. It made me feel so utterly peaceful and clear minded. When I mentioned this to my friend she told me that she has a CD player which constantly played Om on repeat in the room!
A vortex is like a wheel of energy that can spin either clockwise or counter clockwise.
Vortexes can occur naturally, or can be created by the convergence of walls. Sometimes vortexes need to be healed and removed from a home. On other occasions, a crystal can be placed onto a vortex to help amplify positive energy!
The healing of a vortex has always made a significant shift in the spaces I have worked on: it can help reduce headaches, make people feel more energetic and enables the space to feel more pleasant to be in.
Calling in the Elements
Earth, water, fire, air and ether are the five sacred elements that help us manifest all of our desired experiences. You can place objects in that represent each of these elements, in their direction, in your home to invite them to work with you!
Place a crystal sphere or amethyst in the south east or east to invite the energy of fire into your home. Fire will help you feel: invigorated… inspired… more motivated to follow your dreams. Fire will also help other people in your home feel energized and alive!
Place a fountain or pretty container in the West to invite the energy of water into your life. Water helps us ‘go with the flow’. It is soothing… cleansing… helps us feel relaxed.
The Northwest is ruled by air. Keep this direction of your home and yard clear and do not use it for storage. Place a beautiful flag, bird or incense stand in this direction to help you flow with changes that arise in your life. The air element brings in new friends… assists with networking… allows your life to flow with ease and grace.
The Northern direction is the direction of abundance. The earth element helps hold abundance and allows it to grow. Place a plant in this direction to help your wealth grow. A pot of coins in this direction is another symbol of abundance, one which can help you call in wealth ! Carnelian, rose quartz and agate help amplify the earth energy and prevent it from becoming stagnant.
Ether is the element of the crown chakra – it helps us connect to our intuition and guides. The North east is the direction of the ether element. This is the corner where you can place your altar.
It is the direction you should also face while meditating. Allow this to be the corner of your property where you place spiritual statues or sacred items.
Inviting the elements into your home and energetically cleansing it will help you feel more inspired, relaxed and in flow with creativity and joy!
If you are interested in taking specific steps to heal your home, allowing it to help you manifest what you desire; you should consider a professional healing, clearing and energizing of your home!
I offer this service virtually or live and am able to recommend the crystals, colours and items to place in your home to help you strategically set it for your success. I can help you heal or amplify vortexes to improve physical and emotional health.